
Information collected through online forms provided by America’s Mortgage Broker, such as (but not limited to) personal names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, IP addresses, will not be distributed or sold to any third party and will be held to strict confidentiality. Any information submitted during time of registration is also held to strict confidentiality.

•Personal information, such as e-mail addresses and user names are used mainly to recognize individual clients and/or online viewers. In the event America’s Mortgage Broker needs to contact an individual, America’s Mortgage Broker or it’s affiliates may use submitted personal information to offer technical assistance, service updates, or membership information.
•Personal information submitted via the complete secure 1003 application will not be sold, transferred or shared with any other party unless directed by the submitting client.
•Cookies are used within the site and are strictly designed to recognize the user and do not disclose any personal information. The use of cookies is required to access certain areas within America’s Mortgage Broker.
•Testimonials may be posted online and made available to the general public, with the exception of IP Addresses and E-mail Addresses.

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